What the?: First weekend around Yuzhno city
Where : Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
When: September 2008
The first weekend in Yuzhno, it was definitely time to do what most tourists would do, visit the "tourisy" sites such as the museum or parks. That's just exactly what happened. It was a beautiful bright and cool autumn day. It was about 15 degrees and filled with a gentle cool breeze. First up, was a visit to Yuzhno's famous musuem pictured above.
One of Yuzhno's inhabitants, the grizzly bear. Picture here on display at the museum. You would not want to be uplose with one especially in this position!
Next to the museum was a display of russian war vehicles. There was a stripped down MIG and some armoured units like the BMP1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_1) shown above.
Famous christian orthordox church in Yuzhno. Situated close to Gagarin Park.
Local shopping center, Dom Turguvli situated not far from the museum, right in the center of Yuzhno city.

The best way to finish up your day, is a walk in Gagarin Park and enjoy a dish of Shashlik (Pork barbequed kebab). Not forgetting to wash down with a cool russian beer of course! Pictured here, a 500ml bottle of Baltika 7.